I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me!
The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20, NIV
We are a local church that loves Jesus, believes the Bible, and believes that Jesus calls us to love one another and the world around us. We invite you to read our ‘statement of faith’ if you want more specifics, but here are values we hold sacred.
- It’s not about us! We are here because of the Love and Amazing Grace of God, expressed to all people through the Life, Death, and Resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. As believers, we are not perfect, but we are In Christ. He is our Identity, our Hope, and our very Life.
- We believe in Truth! In a world increasingly defined by relativism and denial of moral truth, we hold that Scripture contains the full and fully accurate revelation of God’s Love and Redemption for all of mankind.
- Because God first Loves us, we are able to Love Him. The Bible tells us that the greatest expression of our Love for God is by Loving the people around us, whom He also loves.
- In Christ, we have received the miracle of eternal forgiveness, but that is not all! The Disciple of Jesus Christ has been made new, set free, given new Life, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and called into the amazing reality of the Church, the Body of Christ, and the Kingdom of God.
- We believe we will live in Heaven with Jesus and all Believers for all Eternity, but being a Disciple of Jesus isn’t just about going to Heaven when we die! Jesus is the God of the right now, and our greatest desire is to know and experience His presence now, whatever our circumstances may be. Until we join Christ fully in Heaven, He calls us to share His work of bringing the New Life of the Gospel to all people.
We invite you, and anyone, to join us in this journey of New Life in Christ! Anyone and everyone is welcome to fellowship with us in the Trinity Family. We hope you find your time here encouraging, challenging, and always leading to the Life of Jesus Christ.